Uniting the bonds that have been broken so together we can care for our common home together

Take action with our Together We campaign

Our global campaign action is an invitation to raise our voices and urge our leaders and decision makers to take action to care for our common home.

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'Together We Belong'

Join our campaign to unite the bonds that are broken

By building community, by creating a culture of encounter, by working towards the common good, not only do we flourish, so does our global family, and so does the earth. This is the nature of the integral ecology, for everything is connected.

The Trinity teaches us that one can never be without the other. We are not islands, we are in the world to live in God’s image: open, in need of others and in need of helping others.
- Pope Francis

In the spirit of fraternal cooperation, write a message to leaders and decision-makers on how we can care for our common home together.

take action to care for our common home together>>

Your message will be collated with other voices around the world, and presented to Pope Francis in a booklet demonstrating the demands placed on leaders and decision-makers to care for our common home together as one


Here are some themes to inspire your letter writing

Debt relief and integral ecology go hand in hand, affecting our everyday lives more than we might think. When countries receive debt relief, they are freed from financial burdens. This enables investments in essential public policies and programmes, like healthcare, education and housing, which particularly benefit the most vulnerable communities. It’s like a win-win – supporting people whilst at the same time taking care of the environment. So, writing a message for “Together We Belong” is about making sure decision-makers understand that easing financial struggles not only helps individuals but also provides vital relief for our planet and those countries that face ongoing challenges with excessive external debt accumulation.
Affordable housing and integral ecology are like two sides of the same coin, shaping our daily lives in significant ways. Imagine having a place to call home that’s not just affordable but also set in a healthy environment and able to support the integral development of the person in terms of mental, physical and emotional well-being. By campaigning about fair housing, we’re not only ensuring everyone has a roof over their heads but also promoting living spaces that are kind to the planet. So, when we encourage you to write letters for “Together We Belong,” it’s about emphasising that caring for our common home includes making sure everyone has access to homes that are both affordable, safe and in a healthy environment – a recipe for a better, more sustainable future for us all.
Agro-ecology and integral ecology are like a dynamic duo, shaping the way we grow our food and interact with the environment. Agro-ecology is more than just a farming method; it’s a mind-set that helps to align agriculture with nature. When we campaign about agro-ecology, we’re promoting farming practices that respect the Earth, conserve biodiversity and promote sustainable food systems. So, by joining “Together We Belong” through a message, you’re emphasising that agro-ecology goes beyond enjoying tasty and healthy food – it’s a powerful step towards creating a world where our agricultural practices prioritises the well-being of both people and the planet we all call home.
Peace and integral ecology seamlessly intertwine, stitching a tapestry of social well-being rooted in social healing and understanding. Using the “Together We Belong” portal, you can write a message to campaign about peace and social healing as a poignant appeal to decision-makers to realise that fostering unity among peoples and cultivating a healthy society is the cornerstone of stability and the promise of hope and life for all. Equally, you can offer your voice to write to decision-makers in support of projects and initiatives using sports, music, performing arts, education, etc. to foster peace and unity in your community, which need financial support to continue building peace.
Caritas understands poverty as a multidimensional challenge that extends beyond mere economic hardship. Writing a message through the “Together We Belong” portal means recognising that poverty encompasses deprivation in various aspects of life, such as limited access to adequate and nutritious food, primary education, healthcare, housing and social resources. Speak out for sustainable community development, shifting the focus from what’s wrong to what’s strong. Your voice can play a role in breaking the cycle of poverty and contributing to the creation of a more equitable, sustainable and inclusive society for all.
Caritas recognises the plight of people displaced by climate change as a critical aspect of social protection. It goes beyond traditional definitions of poverty, acknowledging that environmental upheavals force communities to abandon homes, livelihoods and cultures. Within the framework of “Together We Belong,” sharing your thoughts in a message to leaders and decision-makers will aid in raising awareness about protecting and supporting people on the move because of climate change. It is a call for the convergence of social justice, environmental responsibility and compassionate support in addressing this issue.
Climate experts identify air pollution as a major threat, linking temperature rises to a cascade of issues, such as increased allergen exposure, worsened respiratory diseases and increased vulnerability to infections. With over 90% of the global population breathing unhealthy air, largely due to fossil fuel combustion, the World Health Organisation estimates daily health and economic costs at a staggering US$8 billion. “Together We Belong” calls for collective action. Your message holds the power to drive change – urge leaders and decision-makers to address pollution, safeguarding not only our environment but also the well-being of all.

By writing a “Together We Belong” message, you can instil change by emphasising the need for regulations that are more stringent and a reduction in plastic use and waste. We need to promote comprehensive regulations that eliminate unnecessary plastics, encourage reuse and ensure a circular economy. Climate change intensifies this challenge, amplifying, for example, the impact on aquatic ecosystems. You can write about how this phenomenon is affecting your local community. Your voice counts!

In everyday terms, sustainable living means making thoughtful choices that directly influence our surroundings. Picture a community where circular economies, efficient resource use and environmental conservation are integral to daily life. It involves understanding the factors that shape our lifestyle, including education, jobs, housing, transportation and local environments. “Together We Belong” encourages you to write letters championing sustainable living tailored to your context. Propose policies that not only work locally but can also inspire change elsewhere. For example, you can write about promoting a ‘just transition’ respects rights and contributes to equity and global justice. Your letters can forge stronger governance links between communities, local authorities and administrations, fostering an environmentally sustainable future for all.
Safeguarding our planet’s diverse species and combatting climate change isn’t just a distant dream – it’s a tangible reality. Experts emphasise some important things that you can champion in your letters. First, protecting and restoring natural habitats is critical, as one-third of our land is degraded, affecting both biodiversity and our ability to feed a growing global population. Also, it’s crucial to focus on protecting islands, which host 20% of the Earth’s species. Supporting sustainable practices in agriculture, fishing, shipping and land use is imperative, countering the destructive impacts of industrial practices. Additionally, recognising and respecting Indigenous knowledge and rights is fundamental, integrating their wisdom into global policies for a healthier, harmonious world. Your letters can empower leaders and decision-makers to adopt these solutions and ensure a thriving planet for all.

Integral ecology demands that local communities have a meaningful say in decisions affecting their lives, societies and environments, particularly in the context of extractive industries. Caritas organisations across Oceania, Asia, Latin America and Africa particularly highlight the economic, social and environmental challenges posed by extractive activities. Achieving fair outcomes for all requires, for example, just land agreements, an urgent call echoed by Catholic Church leaders for ecological justice, championed by Pope Francis. The heart of the matter often lies in the absence of free, prior and informed consent from local communities. Your letters can amplify this call for informed decision-making, ensuring the integral well-being of communities and aligning with the principles of ecological justice.

In a world where floods and heatwaves dominate headlines, it’s evident we’re facing a climate emergency rooted in fossil fuel use. Your voice matters. Consider writing a letter to leaders and decision makers, expressing support for the Fossil Fuel-Non-Proliferation Treaty (FFNPT) initiated in 2019. This treaty aims to halt new fossil fuel projects and ensure a fair transition for all. Currently, 80% of our energy comes from fossil fuels, pushing us beyond the limits agreed upon in the Paris Agreement. Governments plan to double production by 2030, while huge subsidies continue. Transparency, commitments and support are crucial elements that need to be emphasised in our messages. Your letter could be the nudge needed to guide leaders towards a sustainable path. Let’s encourage support for the FFNPT in the spirit of fraternal cooperation and integral ecology!

Further resources

Are resources are designed to help you engage with our campaign and spread the word

campaign pack

Our campaign action pack is full of ideas, supporting materials and resources to get you up and running with our Together We Belong campaign

campaign poster

Download and display our poster to use in your community


social media pack

We have a pack of different social media resources to help spread the word of our Together We Belong campaign

campaign resources

Run the campaign with your community, download our pack of resources for you to create your own posters and displays

read our reflections from our global week of action

23 - 29 October, 2023

© 2024 All Rights Reserved.

writing tips

The purpose of this campaign is to promote the values and culture of our faith, as guided by the teachings of Pope Francis in Fratelli Tutti and Laudato Si’. Rather than criticising leaders and decision-makers, we are looking to engage with them within the spirit of fraternal cooperation.

We are asking you to write a message to leaders and decision-makers on how we can care for our common home together. This can include any aspect of the ecological crisis, including taking action on the climate emergency, working to overcome social inequality and poverty, addressing local community concerns like pollution or social injustices, or any other aspect of working towards the common good.

For these messages to have power, they must come from a community perspective. Rather than thinking about ‘I’, think about ‘We’. Think about the community you belong to, and how your voice is representing a real community need. This way your message will have more authenticity.

An example may include writing to a local leader about a polluted river that is harming your community, or writing to a political leader to address local community issues around reducing our carbon footprint, or writing to a decision-maker about how we can help climate displaced communities.

When writing your message, think about the tone and style. We are trying to overcome the culture of indifference and alienation. Rather than complaining, criticising or telling the recipient of your message exactly what you think they should be doing, think about how you can address the person in the spirit of fraternal cooperation. This means explaining the problem you are asking them to address, and how together we can work to bring about positive change. Think less confrontationally, and more collaboratively.

Speak to them like you would a sister or brother.

Write your message

Care for our common home